Theme Components#

The MkDocs Terminal theme layout consists of three major components. The top navigation bar, the side navigation bar, and the page table of contents. Each of these components can be hidden site-wide (see Theme Features), however they are enabled by default.

top navigation menu and side navigation menu annotated.  Page table of contents appears below side navigation menu.

Top Nav, Side Nav, and Table of Contents are enabled by default

Top Navigation Menu#

The top navigation menu includes the site_name at the top left and root level pages at the top right. Root level pages are pages which are not child pages and are not a section index:

site_name: Terminal Theme Demo
    - Home: ''
    - Troubleshooting: ''

Home and Troubleshooting appear in the top navigation menu

Side Navigation Menu#

The navigation menu in the left sidebar includes the root level and second level pages as defined in the nav section of mkdocs.yml:

    - Home: ''
    - Troubleshooting: ''
    - About: 
      - Index: 'about/'
      - Contributing: 'about/'
      - License: 'about/'
      - Release Notes:
        - Index: 'about/release-notes/'
        - v1: 'about/release-notes/'
        - v2: 'about/release-notes/'

Home, Troubleshooting, About, Contributing, License, and Release Notes appear in the side navigation menu

Page Table of Contents#

The table of contents (TOC) is located directly underneath the side navigation menu. It includes links to the the top two sections in the current page's markdown. See TOC Example for details.