Code Hilighting#

Code blocks can be highlighted for increased readability.
Please note that there are multiple ways of highlighting code in a MkDocs site and some methods may conflict with each other.

PyMdown and Pygments#

PyMdown Extensions and the Pygments library can be used to enable language-specific code hilighting in code blocks and in inline code. They work by adding highlighting to code as it is rendered to HTML during the MkDocs build process.

Configuration Instructions:


The highlight.js library can be used to enable language-specific code highlighting. This library works by applying code highlighting to a page after it is loaded in the user's web browser.

Configuration Instructions:

  1. light blue background with red strings and green commands. 

  2. dark grey background with light blue strings and white commands. 

  3. white background with green strings and brown commands. 

  4. black background with bright green strings and orange commands.