
Terminal for MkDocs uses semantic versioning. Each version number is in the format MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH. Given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH:

  • the MAJOR version increments with an incompatible API change
  • the MINOR version increments with added functionality in a backwards compatible manner
  • the PATCH version increments with backwards compatible bug fixes


We recommend that you pin your dependency on mkdocs-terminal to the latest supported major version. This will prevent you from accidently installing a version of the Terminal for MkDocs theme which is incompatible with your site configuration.

example: mkdocs-terminal~=4.0

See Version Identification and Dependency Specification for additional constraint examples.

View Releases on GitHub#

Release Theme Status Supported?
4.3.0 Beta yes
4.1.0 Beta yes
3.9.0 Alpha no
3.7.0 Alpha no
3.0.0 Alpha no
2.2.0 Alpha no